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日期:2019-12-05 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:


  Contract translation has become an indispensable work among many enterprises. What are the requirements for contract translators?


  1. Contract translators should have a high sense of responsibility


  As a translator of international business contracts, he must have a high sense of responsibility and a serious and meticulous work style. International business contracts involve the economic interests of both Chinese and foreign parties, as well as the sovereignty principle of a country. When translating contract documents, translators should not only be satisfied with the translation itself, but also consider various legal, economic and social factors. They should be good at using correct positions, views and methods to analyze, research and understand the content of the original text. For the content of clauses in the original text that are contrary to the laws and policies of our country, they should point out to the relevant parties in time to avoid losses. It should be clearly pointed out that the translator of the contract is the first reviewer of the original text, which is a great difference between the translator of the contract and the translator of other works.


  2. Contract translators should have a certain level of Chinese and foreign languages


  The process of translation is essentially the process of understanding and expressing the original text. On the premise of accurate understanding of the English translation, skillful use of Chinese to express the content of the original text, or on the basis of accurate understanding of the Chinese original text, accurate use of English to express the content of the Chinese original text, is the unity of skilled use of the two characters, no matter in which aspect there is a lack will affect the quality of the translation.


  3. Contract translators should have necessary professional knowledge

  一個合格的國際商務合同的譯者,必須具備一定的專業知識。很顯然,要正確地理解原文,光憑英語或漢語水平本身是不夠的,還得具備與國際商務合同有關的專業知識。這些知識包括:我國有關的涉外法律、法規;有關WTO規則、國際 貿易慣例和各種習慣做法等,還涉及到各類業務知識,如商品、市場、商檢、運輸、保險、國際金融、仲裁、匯率等。特別是一些難度較大的合同,如國際技術貿易合同,除應具備一般國際商務合同的知識外,還涉及到投資、稅法、外匯管理、技術服務、技術改進、侵權保密等方面的問題。

  A qualified translator of international business contract must have certain professional knowledge. Obviously, to understand the original correctly, English or Chinese proficiency alone is not enough, but also requires professional knowledge related to international business contracts. These knowledge include: relevant foreign laws and regulations of our country; relevant WTO rules, international trade practices and various customary practices, etc., and also involve various business knowledge, such as commodity, market, commodity inspection, transportation, insurance, international finance, arbitration, exchange rate, etc. In particular, some more difficult contracts, such as international technology trade contracts, should not only have the knowledge of general international business contracts, but also involve investment, tax law, foreign exchange management, technical services, technology improvement, infringement confidentiality and other issues.








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